Our Leadership Sabastian Saragih

Sabastian Saragih

Private Sector Engagement Lead, SEGAR Project

Sabastian Saragih is the Private Sector Engagement Lead for the USAID-funded Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) project. He holds a Master's of Science in Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology from the Scottish Agricultural College at the University of Aberdeen, UK. He has a long experience working on sustainability issues and market-led development approaches. Prior to joining Pact, Sabastian has worked with several organizations included FAO, AIP-PRISMA, OXFAM and Save the Children. He also serves as the Internal Auditor for the International Federation for Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) in Asia; on the Advisory Board of Biofach Southeast Asia (organic exhibition organizer); and on the Executive Board of Circle Indonesia (registered cooperative for civil society resources development).
Sabastian Saragih