Yan Paing Oo
Deputy Director, Project Development, Smart Power Myanmar
Yan Paing Oo currently serves as the Deputy Director for Project Development for the Smart Power Myanmar project. Yan has 15 years of experience in international sustainable development working with international stakeholders, and establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships with international financial institutions to leverage resources and knowledge. He is proficient in crafting investment strategies that prioritize both financial returns and positive social impact, and in utilizing a gender lens to identify investment opportunities that promote gender equality and women's empowerment, while balancing risk and impact. He is highly skilled in fostering the growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in emerging markets through targeted interventions and capacity-building programs, and facilitating financial mechanisms, including grants, loans, and equity investments, to unlock capital for local businesses and support them to have access to finance.
Yan holds a Master's degrees in Finance, Management and International Business from Indiana iversity, USA and the Birmingham City University, UK.

Areas of Expertise
Capacity development
Private sector engagement
Renewable energy