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The entrepreneurs of the WINGS project
December 18, 2024
Women's empowerment
The WINGS project (2020-2025) offers a comprehensive, tailored package of services targeting rural, marginalized and vulnerable women to enhance their economic security by enabling their success as employees and entrepreneurs. Working in four regions – Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Poltava – WINGS focuses primarily on rural women, who face additional barriers to fulfilling their personal and economic potential due to negative stereotypes, limited access to resources and constrained employment opportunities. The project is creating a competitive, innovative, sustainable environment for the growth of women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises and providing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. WINGS targets women who face multi-dimensional vulnerabilities, specifically survivors of domestic and gender-based violence, women who have served prison sentences, women living with HIV, women living with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women affected by the conflict, women with partners in the military and women veterans.
In this document, meet the entrepreneurs of WINGS.
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The WINGS project: Stories of change
Research summary: Decent work for women in the Colombian cut flower value chain
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