Resources The Mutoshi pilot project: Local econo...


The Mutoshi pilot project: Local economic impact of a project aimed at formalizing artisanal and small-scale mining

December 03, 2019

This report, commissioned by the Trafigura Group, summarizes an analysis of the local economic impacts of a responsible sourcing partnership between the Trafigura Group (a commodities trading and logistics company), Chemaf (a mining company), COMIAKOL (a cooperative for artisanal and small-scale mining), and Pact (an international NGO) at the Mutsoshi mine in Kolwezi, DRC. The main objective of the partnership has been to ensure the safe and secure delivery of cobalt to the market by working with artisanal miners (AMs) within the Mutoshi concession. A pilot project was initiated in January 2018 and is ongoing.


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