Pact at the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference 2024

This year, the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Annual Conference will focus on empowering and amplifying voices in evaluation.
Pact will share its innovative evaluation approaches in 2 demonstration sessions, 1 panel and 1 presidential strand roundtable. Lessons will draw from evaluation in the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ethiopia and Sudan on engaging and empowering communities to autonomously use monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) techniques for decision-making, rapidly adapting programming in war and conflict settings, co-developing an outcomes assessment tool for a migrant population and more.
In addition, Pact staff will take over the leadership of the board of the International and Cross-Cultural Evaluation topical interest group (ICCE TIG), which includes participation in AEA’s International Working Group that represents an assortment of international evaluation networks, including voluntary organizations of professional evaluators to advance AEA’s international engagement strategy.
Presentations featuring Pact staff include:
Wednesday, October 23
Engaging Youth as Leaders in DRG & Evaluative Practice: Cross-TIG, Cross-Cultural & MultiLinguistic Lessons Learned in the U.S. and African Contexts to Amplify and Empower Youth Voices in Evaluation. 4:15-5:15pm PST
Pact presenter: Alysson Akiko Oakley, Vice President, Learning, Evidence and Impact
Thursday, October 25
Evaluation as transformation: empowering civil society organizations in remote and vulnerable mining communities through the process of monitoring, evaluation, and learning. 5:00pm – 6:00pm PST
Pact presenters:
Laura Cortes, Project Director, Pilares, Colombia
Lina Maria Jaramillo, Senior Officer, Learning, Evidence and Impact, Pact
Rethinking an integrated approach to health outcomes measurement: Lessons from the evaluation of a program focused on highly mobile populations and vulnerable children in the Dominican Republic. 12:00-12:15pm PST
Pact presenters:
Ramon Armando Pereyra De La Cruz, Senior Strategic Information Systems Officer, Building Resilience, Dominican Republic
Daisy Kisyombe, Manager, Learning, Evidence, and Impact
Friday, October 26
Resilience and Research: Developing Community-Driven Evaluation & Learning Agendas in Conflict. 3:45-4:45pm PST
Pact Chair: Katherine Krueger, Advisor, Learning, Evidence and Impact
Pact presenters:
Yazan Elhadi, MEL Director, Strengthening Youth and Women Civic Participation Program, Sudan
Caroline Brazill, Senior Officer, Governance