Pact to host session on addressing unmet mental health needs at 25th International AIDS Conference

On Wednesday, July 24 at 12pm CEST, Pact will host a satellite session in Munich, Germany for the 25th International AIDS Conference about using evidence-informed approaches to integrate mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) into HIV prevention, care and treatment.
Prioritizing mental health is critical for holistic, person-centered care and imperative to achieving and sustaining HIV epidemic control. The session will review the social determinants of mental health conditions and explore interventions that have integrated MHPSS into HIV programs, for priority and key populations, including youth, to achieve meaningful impact among those living with and at risk of HIV.
Global mental health experts and implementers, including speakers from Pact, USAID, FACT Zimbabwe, FHI 360 and mothers2mothers will present approaches and learnings to addressing MPHSS as part of comprehensive HIV services and highlight different groups and geographies. The session will culminate with a discussion on what will be required to alter our approach to diagnosing and addressing comorbid mental health conditions among people most vulnerable to HIV.
In addition to this year’s satellite session, Pact staff from around the world will convene with other leaders and advocates in the scientific and global health community in Munich to present key results and lessons learned to stop the spread of HIV among vulnerable populations and improve the lives of those most affected by the disease.
The e-posters featuring Pact staff include:
- Improving HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake within status-neutral testing: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Zambia Integrated Health project experience
- The influence of community-based interventions on multi-month dispensing of ART in children and adolescents living with HIV
- Viral rebound among HIV-positive children and adolescents on antiretroviral therapy: A longitudinal study in Tanzania
- Unveiling success: A case study of the influence of the integrated food innovation intervention on the well-being of 14 HIV-positive children with high viral load in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Community monitors advancing quality of HIV care: Lessons learned from introducing the secret client methodology in Ukraine
- Resilience of HIV testing and treatment service availability in select Ukrainian regions between 2022 and 2024: Comparing availability and adaptations to sustain services in conflict-affected regions
- Reaching online networks when social networks disappear: Enhancing HIV testing in Ukraine through targeted online campaigns and mail order HIV self-testing programs amidst the Ukrainian-Russian war
- Adapting HIV testing in wartime Ukraine: Continuous evolution of differentiated service delivery models for key and priority populations
- Monitoring and evaluation of wartime adaptations in an HIV program in Ukraine: Shifting from disease-centric to person-centric
- Integration of HIV, FP and PrEP youth-friendly services to improve service uptake and completion among adolescent girls and young women in South Sudan
- Community services support children and adolescents living with HIV enrolled in an orphans and vulnerable children project achieve viral suppression in South Sudan
- Toward attaining the last “95” on children and adolescents living with HIV: The efficacy of OVC community clinical model in Manicaland and Masvingo provinces of Zimbabwe
- Complementing community interventions with technology to maximize tracking of HIV-exposed infants final outcome: Lessons from a community HIV program in Zimbabwe
- Outcomes from economic strengthening activities among AGYW (15-24 years) enrolled in the FACT Zimbabwe’s USAID-funded DREAMS Program in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe from 2022-2023
- Cross partner community led monitoring initiative on an OVC project for Haitian Migrants and their descendants on the Dominican Republic: Learnings and best practices
- Insights and learnings on HIV status process approach among OVC households in the Dominican Republic
To learn more about the program for the 25th International AIDS Conference, please visit the official website. Follow us @Pactworld on social media to see highlights from the event on July 22 through July 26.