Resources Capacity development and innovation

Fact Sheet

Capacity development and innovation

May 03, 2024
Capacity development, Innovation

In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial that individuals, institutions and systems have the organizational, technical and adaptive capacities to meet their needs. For more than 50 years, Pact’s Capacity Development and Innovation (CD&I) practitioners have partnered across sectors to understand, co-create and strengthen existing capacities and approaches that leverage new opportunities to achieve sustainable, resilient systems. As a leader in capacity development and pioneer in innovation that catalyzes ideas in development, Pact’s goal is to enable lasting, systems-focused solutions, where implementers have the skills, tools and resources required to accelerate impact. Our process aligns with the project life cycle core pillars of scan, analyze, plan, act and learn, to ground our work in the principles of learning, quality, customization and partnership. Learn more in this fact sheet.


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