
Pact awarded new funding to expand conflict mitigation work in DRC

December 9, 2021
Edwige Kyulu Mulungu and the Oasis group at the launch event for the next phase of the Tanganyika Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation (TCMR) project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). (Credit: Pact)

USAID recently awarded Pact $7.495 million in new funding to launch the next phase of the Tanganyika Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation (TCMR) project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The new award extends the current project for an additional three years, which will help advance resources and sustainable development efforts in the Tanganyika province and build a resilient future for Tanganyika’s conflict-affected communities. 

The Tanganyika province has experienced inter-ethnic conflict and the presence of armed groups, which have resulted in serious human rights violations and the forced displacement of thousands of people. Conflicts are often related to resources that provide local livelihoods.

In 2018, Pact started the TCMR project to build peace between two communities that have long been at violent odds, the indigenous Batwa and Bantu. We are increasing cooperation and co-existence by strengthening conflict mitigation mechanisms and resolution processes for peacebuilding and improving livelihoods through social cohesion and collaboration. To reduce conflict over resources, Pact and its partners bring communities together to help them restore peace and thus increase agricultural production and access greater market opportunities.

The new phase of TCMR will focus on the integration of conflict mitigation, stabilization and social cohesion measures in conflict-affected communities; strengthening the rural economy for equitable and sustainable economic growth based on agriculture and the market; identifying, supporting and integrating approaches that mitigate environmental shocks and stresses; and increasing availability and access to basic services. The project will also offer scholarships, internships and work placements for young people in the community, with priority going to indigenous populations, to support local livelihoods and development.

“I am particularly happy to witness the launch of this new phase of the USAID-funded Tanganyika Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation project which, I am convinced, will help the Tanganyika Province to migrate toward a culture of peace and economic and social development beneficial to all layers of the Tangangyika Province’s population.”

Paul Sabatine, USAID-DRC Mission Director

TCMR is enabling the community, regardless of identity, to be part of positive transformation and work toward building peace. Pact has already supported and strengthened 44 inter-ethnic peacebuilding, livelihood and conflict mitigation groups, including women’s groups, youth associations and peace committees. These groups not only conduct community activities as part of conflict prevention, mitigation and reconciliation, but also food security and income-generating activities focused on market gardening, animal husbandry and fisheries. In the first phase of the project, more than 150 hectares were cultivated with different agricultural speculations including food crops and market gardening. Additionally, fishing was carried out over nearly 100 hectares on Tanganyika Lake, as well as the breeding of small livestock and poultry.

The new funding will allow Pact to reach a critical mass of internally displaced people and returnees, help transform the Tanganyika region by mitigating conflicts and building community resilience, and reach more people and affected communities.

Nana Binti and Jacquie Binti with the group Bokoyoka son na Tanganyika at the launch event for the next phase of the TCMR project. (Credit: Pact)