Haniela Randrianjafison
Program Manager, Madagascar
Haniela Randrianjafison has more than 20 years of experiences in program management, climate change, natural resource management, community development, reforestation, environmental education and cooperation with the government of Madagascar. He is an agricultural engineer, specializing in forestry and biodiversity, and has a Master's degree in environment and development. He began his development career working in the national reforestation strategy and land tenure, funded by the World Bank. Then, he worked as a team coordinator within a study funded by the World Bank. He was working as technical consultant providing capacity building to communities. He was a forest carbon and carbon market officer within a National Foundation, before becoming Program Manager. He was a forestry and wood-energy specialist of the ASA Program of the EU. Within UNDP Madagascar and by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), he was Project Director in charge of climate change for a project on the Rio Convention (UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD), before managing another project on the capacity development of climate change adaptation and resilience. Recently, he was the Climate Change Advisor and PoC around forestry/reforestation, natural capital, and PES for the USAID Hay Tao program.