Resources 2020 Global Measures


2020 Global Measures

February 17, 2021
Measuring Pact's Mission Reports

This year, the communities that Pact serves faced unprecedented challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the steady headway of recent decades against global poverty, slowing and even reversing hard-won progress. Pact’s partners around the world – from civil society organizations and nonprofits to governments and the private sector – have worked under extremely difficult conditions to not lose sight of their goals.

Pact adapted quickly to adjust our global programming to meet new demands created by the virus and to continue our existing work to the fullest, safest extent possible.

We introduced new delivery models and theories of change and shifted to remote data collection and online programming where appropriate. We reached millions of people with vital services and support, including business training for fledgling entrepreneurs, HIV prevention, testing and treatment for those who needed it most, access to justice for marginalized groups, Covid education for remote villages, and much more.


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