Decentralised energy market assessment in Myanmar
May 31, 2019
Smart Power Myanmar’s mission is to help align all players across sectors to support the growth of decentralised energy solutions in Myanmar so that every rural household and business can access and afford reliable energy, and can use it productively to thrive. In order to achieve the Government of Myanmar’s electrification goals, the energy market faces a golden opportunity to combine centralised and decentralised energy into an integrated, intelligent and interactive energy network that can deliver customer-centric energy solutions at the lowest cost, in the fastest time. The Decentralised Energy Market Assessment in Myanmar provides, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment based on the latest available data of the potential viable market for minigrids in Myanmar, the projected size of the market by 2030, the key market drivers, and the measures that need to be simultaneously enacted in order to move towards Myanmar’s “Grid 2.0” – a future system in which the national grid is complemented by decentralised energy solutions to meet the country’s energy needs.
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