Resources Ethiopia: Partnership for early action


Ethiopia: Partnership for early action

June 02, 2021
Conflict, Governance

Ethiopia: Partnership for early action
Pact, with the Ethiopian Federal Government Ministry of Peace, set up a pilot on conflict early warning and rapid response system in three regions, five zones, twelve woredas and sixty kebeles.
The pathway to early action in Ethiopian Conflict Early Warning and Rapid Response system, or CEWRR, was conceptualized as any initiative that occurs as soon as the threat of potential violent conflict is identified and that aims to manage, resolve, or prevent that violent conflict from escalating. Conflict data is being collected by trained field monitors and from crowed sources (social medial) and community’s SMS.
This is a recording of our session at the 2021 Practitioners Workshop on Conflict Early Warning/Early Action May 18-21, 2021, hosted by NYU's Center on International Cooperation.


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