Executive summary: Pre-situational analysis of women in the cut flower and panela value chains
August 11, 2021
The Vamos Tejiendo Project, implemented by Pact and the Escuela Nacional Sindical, seeks to promote economic autonomy and better working conditions for women and adolescent girls in the flower and sugarcane value chains in Cundinamarca and Antioquia. The implementation strategy is aimed at articulating public institutions, private companies and civil society organizations to create a favorable environment that will generate greater guarantees for the protection of women's rights and promote initiatives that foster their economic development. In order to comprehensively understand the conditions of women in each of the municipalities (San Roque, Yolombó, Funza and Facatativá), the project conducted a
Pre-Situational Analysis to understand the socioeconomic, cultural and institutional factors that influence the gender gap between men and women in these agricultural sectors. The main findings are presented here.

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