Resources The gender dimensions of 3Ts in the Gr...


The gender dimensions of 3Ts in the Great Lakes region

September 11, 2017

Mining of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (3TGs) in the Great Lakes Region of Africa holds much promise to lead to economic, social and political transformation, although its development potential is yet to be realized. 3TGs in the GLR are mainly produced via artisanal and small-scale mining  (ASM), an activity  that provides  a  crucial  source  of  livelihood  and  catalyst  for  economic development  yet is often  informal, highly manual and characterized by dire occupational, environmental and social risks. Over 300,000 men and women, adults, youth and children, produce 3TGs in the Great Lakes Region, mainly driven to ASM by economic vulnerability or drawn by economic opportunity. 

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This report is by the Gender Resource Facility, Gender Advisory and Knowledge Services, supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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