Resources Mapping artisanal and small-scale mini...


Mapping artisanal and small-scale mining to the Sustainable Development Goals

September 08, 2020

Pact and the University of Delaware’s Mapping Artisanal and Small-scale Mining to the Sustainable Development Goals (ASM-SDG Policy Assessment) is the first report assessing all positive and negative relationships between artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It analyzes the relationships between ASM and each of the 17 SDGs and their associated targets, and provides concrete guidance to policymakers, donors and private partners for harnessing ASM-SDG interlinkages and unlocking the sector’s full sustainable development potential.

The Policy Assessment was authored by Jorden de Haan (Pact), Kirsten Dales (independent industrial ecologist) and James McQuilken (Pact), in collaboration with Dr. Saleem Ali, Professor at the University of Delaware.


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