August 25, 2021
Child Labor, Learning and Evidence, Capacity development
Pilares, funded by the United States Department of Labor (US-DOL), is a 4-year project aimed to improve the capacity of civil society, to better understand and address child labor (CL) and promote acceptable work conditions in the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector in selected municipalities of the Antioquia and Bolivar departments in Colombia. The ASGM sector is complicated with a high level of ambiguity and complex supply chains. It is characterized by high economic need for child labor and low incentives for eliminating child labor and workplace violations. However, it is an essential source of livelihood in these municipalities, where child labor and other unacceptable working conditions (OUWC) are prevalent.
The main purpose of the Learning Review was to conduct a critical internal reflection focusing on the CI methodology used by the project to improve the capacity of civil society, to better understand as well as address child labor and promote acceptable conditions of work in the ASGM sector in Colombia.
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