The WINGS project: Year 2 results
October 13, 2022
WINGS (Women Included: Nurturing Growth and Security) is a five-year project (2020 – 2025), funded by Global Affairs Canada. The goal of the project is enhanced economic prosperity for women and the most vulnerable and marginalized living in Ukraine. The project is implemented in Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv and Kharkiv regions (20 territorial communities). The project's reach is 2,800 women. During Year 2, Pact successfully continued the implementation of core activities to enhance economic prosperity for women and the most vulnerable and marginalized living in Ukraine. Through the delivery of comprehensive service package and other project activities, WINGS has taken steps to build target women’s self-confidence, equip them with necessary knowledge and skills, and create a nurturing environment that promotes their employability and entrepreneurship.
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