The Women of Ukraine Project: Year 3 results
October 13, 2022
“Women of Ukraine: Heard, Capable, Resilient” is a five-year project (2019-2024) funded by the Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Pact. The goal of the project is to increase the enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and promote gender equality in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, Pact strengthens the management and sustainability of local women’s rights organizations (WROs) to enhance performance of their programing and advocacy and increase effectiveness of women’s rights platforms, networks and alliances. During Year 3, the Women of Ukraine project organized and carried out a range of activities focused on the institutional development of hub organizations and equipping local WROs with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively carry out gender-focused programming. The project also facilitated networking, peer exchange and learning, as well as provided access to funding.

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