Pact shares key learnings at American Evaluation Association Conference

Pact staff from around the world gather in Washington, D.C. this week to present on the breadth of our monitoring and evaluation work at the American Evaluation Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting.
The conference, “From Learning to Action,” will explore four ways that the AEA community can learn from evaluation to create better practices and outcomes for the people we serve globally. AEA's annual conference brings together evaluators from around the country and around the world to share ways to conduct and use evaluation for public good.
Staff from Pact offices around the world, including Nigeria, Myanmar, Colombia and Washington, D.C. will present their work in panel discussions, posters, think tank sessions and roundtables. Presentations featuring Pact staff include:
- Zeroing in on what works: Innovative evaluation approaches at multiple levels to improve maternal, neonatal and child health in northeast Nigeria.
- Scaling global nonprofit evaluation through technology and collaboration.
- Data systems for continuous learning and adadptive management in complex environments: Integrating applied political economy analysis and feedback into ongoing MEL processes.
- Hidden systems: Conducting political economy analysis in difficult data contexts.
- Evaluating integrated global development: The Shae Thot integrated study.
- The CHEVERE campaign: Improving data quality in development programs.
- DIY: Learning while doing in evaluations.
In addition to these presentations, Pact joins fellow Locus coalition members in a think tank session on evaluating integrated global development programs. Nanette Barkey, director of results and measurement at Pact, will chair the interactive session.
These presentations highlight Pact’s commitment to shared learning and to using a metrics- and data-based approach to development. To learn more about AEA’s annual meeting, visit the conference website. Follow @PactWorld on Twitter for highlights from the annual meeting!