Resources Mining and the Sustainable Development...


Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: ASM and LSM perspectives

October 16, 2020

Webinar recording: Leveraging Artisanal & Small-scale Mining (ASM) and Large-Scale Mining (LSM) to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Organizers: Responsible Mining Foundation, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Pact, University of Delaware, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Moderated by Antonio Pedro, UNECA (Director, Subregional Office, Central Africa)

Jorden de Haan, Programme Officer Artisanal Gold. Pact
James McQuilken, Programme Officer Mines to Markets, Pact
Kirsten Dales, Independent industrial ecologist
Jennifer Rietbergen-McCracken, Senior Advisor, Responsible Mining Foundation
Perrine Toledo, Head of Extractive Industries, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
Dr. Julie Klinger, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware
Brian Chicksen, Adjunct Professor, University of Cape Town

The webinar builds off of the recent ASM-SDG Policy Assessment by Pact and the University of Deleware, and Mining and the SDGs by the Responsible Mining Foundation and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment.



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