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Best practices in programming for people-centered justice: A compendium of interventions and lessons learned from the USAID Expanding Access to Justice Program in Somalia

December 10, 2024

The USAID-funded Expanding Access to Justice Program, implemented by Pact in partnership with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative through the Freedom-House-led Human Rights Support Mechanism, contributed to lasting improvements in access to justice and effective mechanisms to address grievances in Somalia. EAJ piloted highly contextualized interventions that grew community engagement with judicial institutions, improved responsiveness of judicial services and assisted justice seekers in navigating Somalia's complex plural legal environment. Drawing from insight gained through its research and assessments, EAJ explored and adapted new approaches for how international justice practitioners in Somalia can work within locally accepted norms to improve justice outcomes, particularly for women and marginalized groups. 


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Best practices in programming for people-centered justice: A compendium of interventions and lessons learned from the USAID Expanding Access to Justice Program in Somalia

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