Strategic planning: Pact organizational development toolkit
April 01, 2010
Capacity development
Well‐managed institutions are a fundamental building block for promoting changes that have positive impacts on the lives of families and communities, particularly the most vulnerable. Pact’s programs invest heavily in building the organizational capacity of our partners, who include community‐based organizations (CBOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and government agencies. These investments help the public and private sector deliver better quality services in a more efficient and effective manner.
Pact’s suite of Organizational Development Toolkit is designed to help Pact offices whose primary partners are NGOs. We hope these materials will be most useful to Pact offices that are just getting started or are new to implementing a project which includes Organizational Development (OD). For more established offices, the package will help new staff members responsible for implementing OD activities to hit the ground running. Finally, the guidance included in this package will help Program Managers to better design their Organizational Development activities within their programmatic objectives and allocated budgets.
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