Peace and conflict Resources
Best practices in programming for people-centered justice: A compendium of interventions and lessons learned from the USAID Expanding Access to Justice Program in Somalia
Best practices in community-led peacebuilding: A learning compendium from the Mobilizing and Enhancing Local Actors for Peace project
Civic network analysis (CNA): A guide for strategy and action in restrictive contexts
Ethiopia: Partnership for early action
RASMI youth leaders: Results reflection
Artisanal and small-scale mining – agriculture linkages
Summary report: Artisanal and small-scale mining – agriculture linkages – final fieldwork report
Women for peace in the SEEK and RASMI projects
Brochure: The RASMI project
The Regional Approaches for Sustainable Conflict Management and Integration (RASMI) project
PEACE III 2018 annual report
The Selam Ekisil (SEEK) project
PEACE III: Strengthening cross-border conflict management in the Horn of Africa