
Global Health

Pact is giving people better access to vital health and social services by strengthening local systems and building the capacity of local institutions to improve services long beyond our presence.

Good health is the bedrock of community development. Achieving health and well-being requires working toward healthy lives for all ages around the world. Pact works at national and sub-national levels to improve inclusive and equitable access to health and social services, enabling stakeholders to develop local solutions. We achieve this through collaboration with civil society organizations, government agencies, community groups, and private and faith-based service providers. Pact pioneers sustainable community-led HIV/AIDS and health programming that highlights and meets the needs of vulnerable children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, caregivers and families, and key populations.

Our community-based solutions have also been instrumental in facilitating community response and resilience to public health shocks and stresses such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Together with our partners, we improve health and social systems around the world, especially those that serve people who are challenged by poverty and marginalization.

Our health work has three main focuses:

  • Disease prevention, care and treatment
  • Health and social welfare systems strengthening
  • Global health security

Last year, 1.1 million people gained improved access to health and social services because of Pact, and we strengthened 373 health and social systems. Our donors include USAID/PEPFAR, the U.S. Department of Labor, UNICEF, and more. 

Pact World Map
Pact's health programming reaches 20+ countries around the world.

Our integrated approach links health with livelihoods, governance, capacity development, and monitoring and evaluation. We support community-based organizations through grants and technical, organizational and institutional capacity building, enabling them to develop and sustain quality health and social services, products, and information. At the same time, we engage with stakeholders to create a policy environment supportive of solutions to a range of public health needs.


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Global Health PROJECTS